Fund Our Future

Creating opportunity for Hawaiʻi and its people through an improved tax system.

2024 Priorities

  • Wealth Taxes

    To fund the future our keiki deserve, Hawaiʻi must change the way it taxes wealth.

  • Support for Working Families

    Tax credits can deliver targeted cost-of-living relief to struggling local families.

  • Keep Hawaiʻi for Locals

    Hawaiʻi real estate is being bought up by investors; tax reform can restore balance.

About Us.

The Hawaiʻi Tax Fairness coalition believes in caring for our families and in leaving things better for our keiki. Investing resources into our schools, hospitals, parks, and programs for working families is how we build a better future for them.

To do that, the state needs tax revenue. We believe the state should collect this revenue from those who can afford to pay more—wealthy taxpayers who have been doing better than ever in recent years thanks, in part, to tax policies that favor the rich.

These policies exacerbate wealth inequality, trap resources at the top where they do no good for the overall economy, and reinforce racial barriers to economic opportunity for people of color.

With your help, we can make our tax code more fair and just while helping the state to better fund our collective future.

Contact Us

Our movement for tax fairness cannot succeed without the support of everyday folks living and working in Hawaiʻi. Your stories are the proof of why our state needs to reform its tax system so that it delivers opportunity to local residents and future generations.

Please get in touch with us if you have any questions or want to get involved in supporting our advocacy efforts.